Logistics cycle is characterized by several independent activities such as pickup, transportation, fulfilment, delivery and more. Each of these activities are controlled by heterogeneous IT systems. Integration of these systems is vital so that the information is exchanged across the systems efficiently in order to enhance the value chain. Logistics companies rely on the operations-level data to increase transparency, reduce cost and elevate performance.
Nous expertise with integration along with the logistics domain experience means that we can seamlessly integrate systems like ERP, CRM, WMS, CMS, and more. Our robust Logistics Business Intelligence solutions help in analyzing the flow of goods and information across various touch points of supply chain. We deliver actionable insights which help top executives in quick decision making.
Disparate IT systems that handles various business aspects are connected to each other and exchange information on a regular basis. These systems which are heterogeneous in nature generate huge amount of data in daily operations. Supply Chain Business Intelligence is mandatory to facilitate efficient decision making.
Nous helped a leading athletic retailer of the US in centralizing warehouse data and providing business intelligent information through intuitive dashboards.
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